Who we are

  • We are a bipartisan advocacy organization of Belarusian-Americans working to facilitate a democratic breakthrough in Belarus. We envision a strong Belarusian-American community that positively contributes to the fabric of American society and promotes its democratic values in the global arena.

What we do

  • Provide support to the democratic movement in Belarus
  • Create an informational resource about culture, history, and current events in Belarus
  • Offer a platform for discussion of U.S. policy related to Belarus
  • Facilitate constructive dialogue between Belarusian and American societies

Provide Ukraine with Full Support to Repel Russian Aggression

The Belarus Freedom Forum honors the Day of Ukraine’s Independence and congratulates the worldwide Ukrainian community. We call on the United States to define a clear vision of complete victory for Ukraine - return to the 1991 borders and reparations from Russia, with no additional conditions imposed by Russia. We call for the removal of limitations on the use of American weapons on military targets within Russia’s territory. Streamline and expand the military aid and supplies to Ukraine, listen to the Ukrainian government, and provide every kind of material and logistics Ukraine needs to bring an end to Russian aggression.
Solidarity with those fighting for freedom and democracy in Belarus

Solidarity with those fighting for freedom and democracy in Belarus

Join us in solidarity with those fighting for freedom, democracy, and dignity. On August 9, the Belarusian American community marked the fourth anniversary of the 2020 peaceful mass protests in support of democracy and freedom and against the fraudulent presidential election in Belarus. For the Belarusian Americans, this day is the day of dignity and sorrow. We are proud that in 2020, Belarusians stood up against the dictator, who had been usurping power for 26 years. But so far, we have not won the battle against the dictatorship. Many Belarusians lost their freedom and their lives in this battle.
The Other Annexation: Gradual Takeover of Belarus by Russia

The Other Annexation: Gradual Takeover of Belarus by Russia

On May 9, the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University hosted a panel discussion on the gradual annexation of Belarus by Russia, featuring Representative for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Head of United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus Valery Kavaleuski, former U.S. Ambassador to Belarus George Krol, Tufts University Associate Professor of Political Science Oxana Shevel, U.S. Department of State Deputy Assistant Secretary for Eastern Europe and Policy and Regional Affairs Christopher Smith, and moderated by former U.S. Department of State Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried.

Our social accounts are on extremist materials list in Belarus

On April 10, 2024, the court of the Tsentralny district of Minsk added Belarus Freedom Forum’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to the list of extremist materials. If you intend to visit Belarus, be safe and make sure that your devices don’t contain subscriptions, likes, or comments that might link you to our online resources. In the aftermath of this unjust decision, Belarus Freedom Forum remains committed to its mission.

Belarus Holds Fraudulent Parliamentary and Local Elections

On February 25, Belarus held fraudulent parliamentary elections aimed to falsely project Aliaksandr Lukashenka’s legitimacy to audiences both inside Belarus and on the global stage. The elections happened amidst mass political repression, curtailment of all human rights, and Russia’s gradual subversion of Belarusian sovereignty.
Ask Your Senators to Co-sponsor the Belarus Democracy Act of 2023

Ask Your Senators to Co-sponsor the Belarus Democracy Act of 2023

We urge all Belarusian Americans and allies: please contact your Senators and ask that they co-sponsor S. 3395 - Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2023. This bill reauthorizes the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004, recognizes the war crimes and human rights violations perpetrated by the illegitimate Lukashenka regime, and expands the support of the aspirations of the people of Belarus for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law by the U.S. government.

Statement on Supplemental Aid for Ukraine

Belarus Freedom Forum urges the U.S. Congress to pass the supplemental funding for Ukraine. The ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine is a broad and imminent threat to global security and the safety and prosperity of Americans. If this invasion is allowed to succeed, it will undoubtedly invite more acts of aggression by Russia, China, Iran, and other authoritarian regimes against the U.S. and its allies and partners around the world. An increase in armed conflicts will increase food insecurity, create more refugees, raise fuel prices, and disrupt supply chains. Providing aid to Ukraine now is the most cost-effective way to mitigate this risk.

Senators Markey, Shaheen Urge Biden Administration to Designate Temporary Protected Status for Belarusians

Senators Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) sent a letter (PDF) to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Department of State Secretary Antony Blinken urging the Biden administration to designate Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Belarus. TPS provides protection to foreign nationals in the United States whose home countries are experiencing temporary and extraordinary conditions, including armed conflict and natural disasters, among other circumstances that make a return home unsafe. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is a cosigner of the letter in the Senate.
Temporary Protected Status Designation for Belarus: Letter to Secretary Mayorkas

Temporary Protected Status Designation for Belarus: Letter to Secretary Mayorkas

Dear Secretary Mayorkas: We, members of the Belarusian-American community, urgently request that you grant Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Belarus and Special Student Relief for Belarusians studying in the US. Belarus satisfies the third condition for granting TPS: political repression in Belarus has created the extraordinary and temporary condition of a political and humanitarian crisis that prevents Belarusians from returning safely to Belarus. Further, Belarus is participating in Russia’s war against Ukraine as a staging ground and launch site for attacks on Ukraine, satisfying the first condition for granting TPS. Both of these qualifying conditions for TPS threaten US national interests and sovereignty.

Statelessness or Arrest and Imprisonment

Lukashenka’s new decree forces Belarusians to take chances on imprisonment in Belarus or be trapped abroad without documents. The United States should not tolerate the rogue government of Belarus forcing Belarusians residing legally inside the U.S. into an untenable choice between statelessness and arbitrary imprisonment. Granting Belarusians Temporary Protected Status and Special Student Relief will demonstrate the United States’ dedication to supporting democracy and human rights against dictatorship and oppression.