Provide Ukraine with Full Support to Repel Russian Aggression

The Belarus Freedom Forum honors the Day of Ukraine’s Independence and congratulates the worldwide Ukrainian community. Democratic aspirations of the Belarusian people are strongly aligned with Ukraine’s struggle to protect its democracy from Russian aggression.

The celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine amid Russia’s invasion demonstrates the heroism, resolve, and dedication of the Ukrainian people to the cause of preserving the homeland, freedom, and democracy. August 2024 marks two and a half years of Russia’s war on Ukraine, two and a half years of destruction and loss of human life.

The democratic world must act with urgency to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people and not allow the territorial grab based on anything, let alone imperial myth and post-colonial fantasies. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 is not an isolated event but part of a dangerous trend - the establishment of Russia’s total control of Belarus since 2020, the illegal occupation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine since 2014, and the invasion and violation of the territorial integrity of Georgia in 2008. In the territories it occupies, Russia systematically dismantles democratic institutions, imposes political coercion, and disregards international law. That makes Ukraine’s fight not just about reclaiming its territory but about preserving its sovereignty and democratic system of governing.

On this day, we call on the United States to define a clear vision of complete victory for Ukraine - return to the 1991 borders and reparations from Russia, with no additional conditions imposed by Russia. We call for the removal of limitations on the use of American weapons on military targets within Russia’s territory. Streamline and expand the military aid and supplies to Ukraine, listen to the Ukrainian government, and provide every kind of material and logistics Ukraine needs to bring an end to Russian aggression.