
Recognize Tsikhanouskaya

Belarus Freedom Forum asks the US government to recognize Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leader of the democratic forces of Belarus and the evident winner of the contested August 2020 presidential election in Belarus, as the official representative of the people of Belarus.

Support Ukraine and sanction the aggressors

The Belarusian American organizations, representing the interests of the Belarusians in the United States, call on the Biden-Harris administration and the U.S. Congress to take additional immediate actions aimed at the Putin and Lukashenka regimes for the invasion of independent and sovereign Ukraine and the atrocities committed against the Ukrainian people.

Take action against Belarus involvement in Russia’s attack on Ukraine

The Belarus Freedom Forum, representing the interests of the Belarusian Americans in the U.S., calls on the Biden-Harris administration and the members of the U.S. Congress to take immediate actions aimed at the Lukashenka’s and Putin’s regimes that undermined the sovereignty and independence of Belarus, advanced the integration of Belarus in the so-called “Union State” and orchestrated aggression against Ukraine.

Against Deployment of Nuclear Weapons in Belarus

The Belarus Freedom Forum calls upon the U.S. Government to condemn any current or potential plans to deploy Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus. Belarus has been a nuclear-free country since 1996, maintaining its commitment to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on non-proliferation in exchange for security assurances by the United States. American commitment to the sovereignty of Belarus has ensured a peaceful future for the country and strategic balance in the region. Lukashenka is willing to upset that balance in exchange for Russian support of his oppressive regime.

Belarusian Diaspora Stands with Ukraine

On behalf of the Belarusian diaspora in the United States, Belarus Freedom Forum calls upon the Biden-Harris Administration to take immediate measures to secure the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, setting conditions for Russia to end its aggression and divert its military away from the Ukrainian borders.
Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Requests Migratory Relief for Belarusian Students and Activists in U.S.

Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Requests Migratory Relief for Belarusian Students and Activists in U.S.

Co-Chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Congressmen James P. McGovern (D-MA) and Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ) signed a bipartisan letter urging Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas to give Special Student Relief eligibility to Belarusian students in the U.S. and extend Temporary Protective Status to Belarusian democracy activists in the U.S.

Statement on First Anniversary of Illegal Power Grab by Lukashenka Regime

September 23 marks one year since dictator Lukashenka refused to step down after losing the August 2020 presidential election in Belarus and instead held a secret “inauguration” in the presence of a few dozen confidants. This stealthy attempt to formalize his illegal and undemocratic power grab only exposed and solidified his illegitimacy and provoked an unprecedented pushback from the democratic forces in Belarus and the international community. Over the past year, Lukashenka retained a semblance of power and influence in the country only thanks to a terror campaign against civil society perpetrated by his security forces and generous Russian support.

Statement on the meeting of President Zelenskyy and President Biden

On behalf of the Belarusian-American community, the Belarus Freedom Forum would like to thank President Joseph R. Biden for meeting with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. We hope this meeting signifies a new stage in the American re-engagement and a prospect for tighter ties with Eastern Europe, which will help to promote democracy, security, and prosperity in the region. Last week Ukrainians around the world celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of regaining their state independence.

Ask your Representative and Senators to join Belarus Caucuses

Here are scripts you can use when you call the offices of your elected officials to ask them to join their respective Belarus Caucuses. Call the Washington, DC office. When you call, ask to speak with the foreign policy advisor. If they are unavailable, leave a message with the Receptionist asking the Representative to join the Caucus. If you get voice mail, leave a message. Thank you! Use this link to find your Representative and Senators and their contact information:

Statement on the First Anniversary of the 2020 presidential election in Belarus

August 9, 2021, marks one year since the infamous 2020 presidential election, which became a turning point in Belarusian history. Belarusians around the world commemorate the beginning of the peaceful pro-democracy movement it sparked. One year ago today, millions of brave Belarusians chose to stand up to a dictatorship and defend democracy in the voting booths across the country and elect Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as the next president of Belarus. Hundreds of thousands then took to the streets to protect their votes, despite the prospect of getting jailed, tortured, or even murdered.